
No worries about your 2nd visa. We have the labor hire license in Bund…

2019.10.17 14:00 2,608 0


Hiring Workers for Strawberries farms in Bundaberg region.

We are looking for ONLY packers atm.

We've got a  labour hire liscence from the QLD government so our workers should not worry about getting their 2nd and 3rd working Holiday visa. 

You MUST make sure that your contracter's got a labor hire liscence. If not, you can't blame it on anyone if you will not get your 2nd visa. This is really IMPORTANT thing for your 2nd visa.

▶crop: Strawberries atm

packing 17c for the flat punnet

payday is on every wendsday with payslips and also superannuation in monthly basis


packing starts at 8:00am and normally finishing by 6~8pm at the moment

Our company provide other farm works to the workers such as Blueberry(November), and Sweetpotato(November) etc. 

if you're not good at the packing job, then you can move to another farm we've got and work


located on the bundaberg qld and 10mins away from the city of Bundaberg

Pick-up services available for free to Bundaberg airport, Bundaberg Train station and any place in Bundaberg

2 people sharing one room for $120 P/W, DEPOSIT $120 as well

contact details: You can contact me for more details
H.P : 0432 660 104

KAKAO/LINE : smg9489

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