
8월 19일, <2023 한국의 날> 행사가 여러분을 찾아갑니다.

2023.08.16 17:33 1,457 0


안녕하세요, 교민 여러분!

올해도 어김없이 <2023 한국의 날> 행사로 여러분을 찾아뵙게 되었습니다.

오는 8월 19일(토)에 오전 10시부터 오후 4시까지 진행되는 이번 행사는 브리즈번의 중심부인 킹 조지 스퀘어에 무료로 입장하셔서 만나보실 수 있습니다.

서른 가지가 넘는 다양한 한국 음식과 공예품을 판매하는 부스부터 라이브 밴드의 공연, K-POP 콘테스트, 전통 춤 퍼포먼스 등 먹거리와 즐길거리로 가득한 행사가 될 예정이오니, 꼭 한번 들르셔서 가족, 친구 분들과 즐거운 시간 보내고 가세요!

Hello Brisbane!

Following from another successful Korean Cultural Festival held last year, we are back again! Join us for a delightful family day out at the Korean Cultural Festival 2023 at King George Square, in the heart of Brisbane City!

This incredible festival brings the sights, sounds and tastes of South Korea to the heart of Brisbane with an all-day event showcasing the many iconic features of traditional and contemporary Korean culture.

A delightful family event, the day will feature all the wonderful offerings of Korea such as delicious Korean food (over 10 food stalls!), live music and performances including Korean traditional performance, K-pop competition, Taekwondo (Korean martial arts), and much much more.

Throughout the course of the day at this FREE ENTRY event, number of performers will entertain the crowds.

Please feel free to Invite & share this event with your friends and family to enjoy this wonderful celebration. Don’t miss wonderful selection of Korean food stalls throughout the King George Square, where you can explore the nation’s authentic and truly unique cuisine.

We look forward to welcoming you all again this year!

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