
$29.33 Hourly Guarantee, Anyone Can Earn $400 a Day, Second Visa avail…

2024.12.14 07:13 21 0


[Hourly Guarantee Lemon Picking and Tomato Picking Job Recruitment]

Hello, we are recruiting workers for hourly and contract jobs at a farm in Bundaberg!

Unlike many farms where the season is ending, our farm continues seamlessly with other crops, so there will be no problem obtaining your second-year visa.

▶️ Lemon Picking

Season: Mid-November to April

Pay: $180-$200 per bin (hourly guarantee provided). If you fill more than one bin, you can earn additional income based on the piece rate.


Lemon picking involves working under trees, providing shade and a comfortable environment.

Last year, work was consistent, with over 5 days a week from 10 AM to 5 PM.

As farm work depends on weather conditions, the amount of work this year may vary.

▶️ Tomato Picking

Season: Continues until January next year.

Pay: Piece rate, $2.3 per bucket.


Those who work hard typically get the hang of it within a week and fill over 100 buckets daily.

It’s easy to fill your weekly payslip, and the farm operates 7 days a week, making it perfect for those urgently needing second-year visa hours.

▶️ Tomato and Capsicum Packing (Hourly Job)

We are urgently recruiting 6 people.

Shift Details:

Currently running 7 days a week with shifts guaranteed to exceed 7 hours per day.

Priority will be given to those who contact us first, so act quickly to secure your spot!

▶️ Additional Hourly Jobs

The tomato farm offers various tasks that are paid hourly.

These tasks are sufficient for completing your second-year visa requirements.

▶️ Why Choose Us?

We are a licensed labor hire company with a legitimate ABN, ensuring proper pay slips, taxes, and superannuation contributions.

Assistance with essentials such as setting up mobile phones, bank accounts, and TFN applications is provided.

Pickup service is available from Bundaberg Airport and Train Station.

▶️ Pay and Accommodation

Payment: Weekly pay and pay slips (issued every Sunday).


Clean and well-maintained share houses with 2, 3, or 4-person rooms.

Includes toilet paper, detergent, and rice.

Air conditioning is available 24/7, considering Bundaberg’s year-round summer climate.

Free Wi-Fi provided.

Walking distance (5 minutes) to shopping centers, Woolworths, Aldi, BWS, and restaurants.

Work is abundant, so feel free to contact us!

???? 0451 203 767

????  Kakao Open Chat


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