
[City] great location festival tower for 2 pp!!

2019.11.20 13:05 4,235 1


great location in city!!!!

second room each $150

- Address : 108 albert street(great location)

- Available date : 3 of Dec

- Person : couple or 2 person

- Bond : 2 wks

- Facilities : spa, pools, sauna, gym, bbq area

- Location : 5 min from city queen street mall, you can go anywhere in the city within 10min

-Included charge : unlimited internet , electronic , newspaper , cleaning tools

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me

0401 152 035 

댓글목록 1

YASU님의 댓글

YASU 2019.11.26 11:45

Hi I'm Yasuki and interested in  this. Could you let me have more information?


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